Battery Control Diy Kit 12V & 24V 160A

Sale price$236.78


Let's face it: there aren't going to be any tow trucks or roadside assist where you're headed, off the beaten track. No one but hardcore 4WD adventurers will be going your way, and it will be a heck of hike home if you get stuck out there with a flat battery.

Don't risk it. Think about how you're going to get home NOW, before you go camping, winching, running your radio, lights and even your fridge out there in no-man's-land and ending up stranded far from civilization with a dead battery.

A Baintech Dual Battery Kit is your foolproof, affordable and durable 'insurance policy' to ensure you get home safe and sound. It's smart – when your engine starts, the alternator starts charging your second battery and when your engine stops, it stops charging your second battery. It's powerful enough to meet any of your hardcore needs – 160 amp continuous operation. It's as tough as any of your adventures- IP68 waterproof, fully self contained and dust proof. and it's foolproof to DIY install - conveniently fits into your engine bay; includes cables, earth cable, voltage control relay, heat shrink, lugs and ties; just takes three simple wire connections and then it's ready to go.


  • Baintech 160A Voltage Control Relay
  • Lugs
  • Connectors
  • Heat Shrink
  • 6m red cable
  • 2m black cable

Let's face it: there aren't going to be any tow trucks or roadside assist where you're headed, off the beaten track. No one but hardcore 4WD adventurers will be going your way, and it will be a heck of hike home if you get stuck out there with a flat battery.

Don't risk it. Think about how you're going to get home NOW, before you go camping, winching, running your radio, lights and even your fridge out there in no-man's-land and ending up stranded far from civilization with a dead battery.

A Baintech Dual Battery Kit is your foolproof, affordable and durable 'insurance policy' to ensure you get home safe and sound. It's smart – when your engine starts, the alternator starts charging your second battery and when your engine stops, it stops charging your second battery. It's powerful enough to meet any of your hardcore needs – 160 amp continuous operation. It's as tough as any of your adventures- IP68 waterproof, fully self contained and dust proof. and it's foolproof to DIY install - conveniently fits into your engine bay; includes cables, earth cable, voltage control relay, heat shrink, lugs and ties; just takes three simple wire connections and then it's ready to go.


  • Baintech 160A Voltage Control Relay
  • Lugs
  • Connectors
  • Heat Shrink
  • 6m red cable
  • 2m black cable

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